A little preview of what the Grand Canyon is like. If you've never been there, this is definitely the small part. You should go!
It was good to get to Duncan and see everyone. Uncle Scott and Aunt Mindy are always fun. They are the game King and Queen. They are always so good to play games with the kids.
In the evenings it was good to get outside. During the day it was too darn HOT.
The lawn is doing great and everyone loved playing out there.
Riding Grandpa's ATV is always a bonus! Glade especially loves it!
We spent a few days at the Old Virden Church with huge trees, a great big room for playing in, and lots of other fun things. The kids loved being boosted up into the trees. Kimberly especially enjoyed staying up there.
We did lots of fun things. This was building towers with spaghetti and marshmallows.
Mason, Lauren, Karleigh, and Uncle JT with their marshmallow towers.
We had a treasure hunt and all the kids got punch balls at the end. Unfortunately, Liberty and Glade also ended up getting sick for a day or two.
Sack Races were fun. Kimberly and Ryan especially enjoyed this activity. This was followed by a 3-legged race, which Ryan and I did really well at, until the handkerchief connecting our legs tore.
We always had a pinata at my Grandpa and Grandma Lunt's house at Christmastime. Jessie found this monster in Mexico and the kids really enjoyed hitting it and loved the prize bags she put together.
We stayed so busy that any down time was gratefully received. Glade sat down to watch the ice cream freezer and unwillingly fell asleep.
Our family took a little side trip up to Catwalk in New Mexico. The drive was great and we were happy to have Emilee go with us. I have great memories of going to the Catwalk when I was younger. They have improved the trail since then.
Liberty and Mom on the last bridge. Bouncy!
We made it to the end!!! Everyone was happy!
We were especially happy to get in the water. It was COLD, but fun. We went back by a waterfall, but couldn't take the camera, since Ryan and I were chest deep to get back there and we had to carry most of the kids.
Emilee was a real trooper and good help. Love you Em!
Almost out! This is where they've added a handicapped trail. It goes 1/2 mile into the canyon.
We had a great time seeing family, playing, meeting JT, and just having a party! Thanks to Calvin and Terra for letting us use one of their vehicles so we wouldn't have to rent one for a whole week! Thanks for everything! We loved seeing all of you!
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