Our Family

Our Family
Liberty, Heather, Glade, Ryan, Kim

Friday, October 2, 2009

Baby Update

Here's Libby at one-month.

Kimberly, like I said, loves her. She wanted to have her by her in the hotel hide-a-bed.

Not to be left out, Glade was enjoying reading her a story, too bad she was out.

Here's Libby at two-months with Dad in our Living Room. I actually managed to get her with a smile. She coos all the time now too, which is really fun and cute. Don't you love the log walls? I really like them. They seem really homey and fun.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

SO cute! I can't believe she's that old already! Where does the time go?

She sure has a cute smile. =)