The first hike Ryan went on was with a new friend he made at work. The hiked up by Mt. Prindle in the White Mountains. They didn't get as far as they would have liked, but still had a good time. Too bad the weather wasn't better though.
Look at that rugged Alaskan man. (Insert Tim Allen grunt here.)
There's just something about snow by water that I love. I love this picture of Ryan!
Can you see the moose in this picture? Me neither. Nice layering though!
Ryan's second trip: same place, a week later, nice, sunny weather, solo this time. We got a GPS finally and Ryan plotted himself a 15-mile hike to do.
The Jeep is still going strong.
You get ice again, just because I like it!
Look cold? It was. Ryan said up on top in the wind it felt about 20 below. His videos aren't much use since you can mostly just hear the wind blowing past the mic. His camera quite working it was so cold. Beautiful though!