Our Family

Our Family
Liberty, Heather, Glade, Ryan, Kim

Friday, May 2, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Kimberly has always been able to fall asleep just about anywhere. She also rarely sleeps in her bed. For some reason, she really likes either the little sleeping bag I made her or just the floor. Sometimes I put her in bed after she goes to sleep and she is on the floor again by morning. Enjoy some cute pictures of her sleeping.

This is the latest one of her asleep in the little armchair I made her. Notice, she put her dolly to sleep in her bed.

In the rocker at Grandpa and Grandma's house.

In a hotel bed on a trip to DC with Grandad and Grammy. I just love the way she has her arm around Glade.

Just waking up on Glade's first camping trip last summer. I had almost forgotten how dark his hair was when he was born. It definitely doesn't look like that now!

On the floor in her bedroom. I love the almost posed two hands under the cheek.

On the floor at Uncle Reed and Aunt Katie's wedding reception. She didn't even make it to the beginning. This happened before any guests arrived.

I also love this picture of her using the duckie lawn chair as a stool. Kimberly has definite ideas about what she wants and how to get it done. I think this picture shows her determination.


Becca said...

Hey Heather...it's your long, lost cousin Becca! I hope you don't mind that I added you to our blog list (I stole it off of Mindy's blog :) Your kids sure are cute! If it makes you feel any better mine like to sleep on the floor too! Why have beds? LOL Love ya

Crista said...

Rich & Kim's kids, and Rob & Natalie's kids all like to sleep anywhere but in their own beds. I wonder why that is?

When Rich was little I caught him standing tippy toe on the back of his wooden high chair trying to reach something off of the top of the fridge! And I have a recent video of Ian (like father, like son) shimmying up the door jamb in the kitchen and reaching for something on top of the kitchen cabinets! That is a really cute, though precarious, picture of Kim standing on the back of her chair.

I suggest you entitle the first three pictures, "This chair is too small. This chair is too big. This bed is JUST RIGHT!"

Unknown said...

That is soooo sweet! Your kids are adorable!